
Sunday, November 06, 2011

Something Old - 28mm Japanese

You know those occasion posts that just set you off down a completely different path and distract you from the project in hand..... Well here's one.

Thanks to a posting on our club discussion group at the Evesham Wargames Club where we discussed the correct flesh tones of Japanese Infantry. 
I ended up unpacking the WW2 Japs that had not seen the light of day for a year or two. My painting style has changed quite a bit a with the introduction of washes and more attention to the basing and the original Japs looked a little below par.
So I thought it was high time they got a revamp, they should not take to long to complete, Devlin Mud wash and some highlights on the face and hands together with a Matt Varnish and some addition basing materials and the first squad is done.





With the introduction of IABSM3 I am hoping to have these hitting the table some time soon.

The figures are mostly Westwind with the occasional Battlehonours thrown in for good measure.

As always comments welcome.

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