
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Pike Shot & Zombies Arrival Points (2)

Back in January I completed the first couple of Arrival points for Pike Shot & Zombies, this week I had the opportunity of finishing the last of them to make teh 6 needed for the game.
I still had plenty of Renedra Graveyard head stone's left but did not want to replicate what I had done before, so adding in a couple of undug graves from Magister Militum, I set about finishing the last four.


Again based on old Cd's covered with a liberal covering of PVA glue and Sharp Sand.
I am pleased with the results each one feels slightly different, lets just hope our band of adventurers get close enough to put them on the table.....


Probably my favourite, less is definately more.


The grave diggers left this one unfinished, before they were overcome.

Next up more ACW Fences for the all dayer and hopefully the first of the Elizabethans.


  1. These look great Stuart; I love the abandoned graves with there shovels. Really interested to see how this project pans out.

  2. These look really good, your basing and painting skills are superb. They would make nice terrain extras for many periods and would enhance that lonely church if you have one.

  3. They are great looking bases there. I did something similar but not to your standard. Great skills.

  4. Thanks Chaps, just need to find a decent church in 28mm that does not cost £000,s.
