
Saturday, February 18, 2012

Terrible Sharp Sword - ACW Confederate Forces

Sunday see's the Evesham Wargames Club Big Game I 2012, Over the last few months numerous club members have being amassing forces for the forthcoming ACW engagement.

We shall be using the Sharp Practice from the Two Fat Lardies.

To make the game a little more personable we have selected a regiment each, I have selected troops mustered from Milam County.
Sandwiched between Austin & Dallas.

I found a great web site, which detailed the units raised in the area and the names of the officers.
The link can be found below.

Two units will gather on the field of Battle on Sunday.
'E' Coy Milam County Guards - 4th Texas Cavalry commanded by Lt Buckholt



The dismounted Guards line up against the picket fence, seeking cover where they can


"At the canter, Lt Buckholt leading from the front."

Next up Company G "Milam County Grays", 5th Texas Infantry under the joint command of Captain John W Story & Capt J.C. Rogers


"Capt Rogers urges on his loyal men of Texas."



Having done the research on the units, I feel a real affinity towards these guy's. So much so I might just have to let one of the other Rebel Commanders lead the assault.... :-)

Details of some of the Yanks can be found here.

Full AAR detailing the rebel victory (I hope) to follow.

If your close by drop in the kettle is always on.


  1. Good luck the Milam County Boys! A lovely looking unit you have there Stuart.

  2. Great looking bunch of troops Stuart. I am sure they will fight well for the South!

  3. Dixie Boys!! I love them, very nice looking unit.

  4. Some very nice looking figures!!!

  5. Looking forward to reading the report and seeing how your boys do. Those rail fences are looking good BTW.

  6. Good stuff. Your reb cavalry look awesome and I love Capt Rogers. I am sure they will do well. Looking forward to the AAR.

  7. very cool they look wonderful, i do think it's time i started acw for myself, thanks
