
Sunday, March 04, 2012

Ottoman Reinforcements - Bashi Bazouks

This evening sees the first real outing of my Ottoman Turk Army vs that of the Russian Empire.
The plan is to use a scenario generated from the excellent Platoon Forward suppliment from the Too Fat Lardies, designed with a WW2 in mind, a couple of tweaks are required to make it suitable for the Napoleonic period.

The plan is for the Russian Commander to generate a scenario and the select his forces available from a core set of units. Typically 5 regular sections and 1 Elite/Veteran section, together with 5 Bigmen.

Perry Miniatures Bashi Bazouk based on a Warbase Stand.


Bigmen Commanders Kirmizi Atesh & Musad Chuma


Perry Miniatures plastic Ansars.

The Ottoman's last took to the field prior to Christmas, where they lacked both numbers and firepower, these time around I have bolstered their number with extra foot troops and a new unit of Bashi - Bazouk Infantry. Available from Perry Miniatures but they seem to fit in well with the general Ottoman feel.

I have also painted up a couple of recent purchases from Architects of War, the Desert Well and Donkey Mill are full of character and add some life to my Middle Eastern Village.
These are not cheap but they do paint up rather well....




Random events in the Sharp Practice rules call for livestock, Damn and Blast! Scared by the firing some local livestock have escaped, moving 2D6” away from the group each turn in a random direction.


Never first on my list of purchases, these goats from Empress Miniatures will be useful across several periods.

I have created the Big Men for my Ottoman Army and being rather lazy stumbled across the attached link, which creates Turkish names, perfect when insiration is lacking.

Full AAR to follow.


  1. Wonderful! Superb looking miniatures, but I do like your architects of war purchases, very tasty.

  2. Michael Architects of War stuff painting in under a month... it must be a record... :-)

  3. Great lookiong pieces might have a go at those AoW vingettes myself!.
    Well done Stuart!!

  4. A wonderful result! Painting is perfect! I love this period, and the well is great!
