
Tuesday, June 05, 2012

SAGA Irish Warband - Part 2 Gallowglass

 Ok so it rained on the bank holiday, but it did give me a days painting and a chance to make in roads into the Irish Saga War Band.

First up the Gallowglass or Heathguard under the SAGA rules.


A mix of Gripping Beast and Crusader Miniatures.

Next the Irish Wolf Hounds, I still have the handlers to paint but have completed a Redoubt Gallowglass leader to accompany them for now.

And finally the beginnings of the Chieftain Command Group, I have a couple of leader types just not sure who I should use, the champion from Crusader (R) is a cracking looking figure.

To achieve the Saffron colouring common amongst the Irish of the age I used the Foundry Ochre, Yellow and Buff paint sets, with a smattering of Phlegm to give than a range of troop colours.

Whilst hunting around for suitable figures, I did consider the Gallowglass available from Redoubt and Sgt Major Miniatures but was unhappy with the quality.
No images of the Redoubt figures are available so I ended up ordering blind, they are fractionally larger than the other manufacturers and have lost some of the detail over time, whilst the chain mail vest above the knee looks right, their is just too much hair...

I attach a couple of comparison shots below for any one else thinking of ordering in the future. 

(L) Sgt Major Mins, (C) Redoubt, (R) Crusader

Sgt Major or Vendel as they used to be in the UK have the perfect style figures, but the models appear to have worn over time, the casting lines are not as crisp as they once were the axes come loose but the hands will need to be drilled in order from them to fit as the casting has sealed any sign of where the holes once were.

(L) Sgt Major Mins, (C) Redoubt, (R) Crusader  

I am left with the dilemma on where to go with historical inaccurate figures but better castings vs more accurate figures but poorer quality in terms of castings.....I will paint them up hopefully inking, shading and a decent base will improve the figures....


  1. A fantastic job on these Stuart and I love the colour palette, which is just that little bit different from what I've seen before. I'm afraid I'm not much help on the historical accuracy aspect of your dilemma tending just to go for what I like the look of best! Shallow, I grant you, but it works for me. ;)

  2. Michael great minds, I would much rather have a good quality casting and design rather than worrying about buckles, buttons and fastenings. It's a shame about the vendel stuff as they could be really nice if remastered.

  3. Personally I would go for the better quality figures as with your painting skill you'll do them more justice.

    I didnt realise that the Irish were out for Saga yet and where did you get those hounds from?

  4. I am led to believe the Irish will be the next release, but I figured I would get ahead of the game, Javelin, light Cavalry, can't imagine I can be that wrong...
    I am looking to double them up for Elizabeth's Irish wars so am quite happy to mix and match if necessary.

  5. Hounds are from Crusaders Irish Range.

  6. As mentioned above, decent quality casting every time. Thanks for the comparison shots.
