
Sunday, July 15, 2012

SAGA Irish Warband Part 4 - Mounted Warriors

A free weekend, the kids don't need ferrying anywhere and the list of household tasks is low, so I set myself the task of completing my mounted unit of Warriors for SAGA and my Irish Wars Project in under 48 hours.
Here are the results.......

I am the first to admit I am not the quickest painter, I was keen to finish these but did not want to rush them, the preparation and basing took longer than anticipated but by Lunch time on Saturday they were ready to take the basic coats.

Saturday evening saw the wash applied and left to dry over night.
Whilst Sunday was detail, flocking and varnishing.

With one more batch of figures to complete mostly command and standards together with a few other odds & ends I should have the faction complete for the Wyvern Wargamers SAGA campaign to be held on the 15th September.
Their are still places available so if you are in the midlands and fancy a day gaming drop by the club site and register here

In the absence of formal rules, they will have to mascaraed as Welsh, still that's no bad thing having seen the Welsh in action in previous club games.

I just hope they don't suffer from the curse of newly painted figures this evening when they get their first outing.


  1. Nice group. But I would like to see more varied horses.

  2. Good point, for speed I went for 3 colours...

  3. What a great achievement! Love the horse flesh and the basing; well done that man.

  4. These are awesome!!! Great work Stuart.
