
Monday, August 27, 2012

Wyvern Wargamers Saga Day - 21 Days to go

Day 21 days to go...

I set to work on the excellent Warbases, I have purchased several of the movement trays over the years and was looking for a way to combine game systems for my Irish Warband. Martin over at Warbases has done a great job of turning my rambling e-mail into the real deal, the plan was to turn my single based Leaders and Standard Bears into a Warlord command bases for SAGA.

The Blank Movement Trays.


Sample Figures as always a perfect fit.

A coat of PVA Glue, a dip in sharp sand and a white undercoat and they are ready for the base coat.

During the various stages above, I set to work on the finer detail of the first batch of Irish, adding in shading and various other touches to bring out the greater detail, disappointing not to get them finished today, but progress neither the less.

Like must projects they don't tend to feel finished until the full highlighting and flesh tones are complete together with basing and flocking.
I should be able to grab a few hours tomorrow to finish these and the command bases off.


  1. Very nice! This is very funny as I have a shipment due from Warbases for exactly the same thing (for use with Napoleonic skirmishers). Good to see what I'll be getting!

    1. Curt they work a treat, completed pics up later today.
