
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Pendraken Miniatures 28mm Elizabethan Range

Public service wargaming.....
On the hunt for more figures for the Irish wars, I came across the Pendraken Miniatures range of 28mm Elizabethan Irish, I am not a fan of purchasing blind and a  search of Google produced limited image results but at 96p each, I thought I would take a punt.


(L to R) Irish Cavalry in Mail, Irish Light Horse, English Petronel, English Demilancer.

(L to R) Irish Caliverman in English Service, Kern with Caliver, Scottish Redshank.

(L to R) Irish Officer, Gallowglass, Ulster Kern.


(L to R) Irish Light Pikemen, Irish Kern with Bow, Horse boy with Javelin.

An interesting range of figures, very little flash, clearish  mold lines, closer in style to old Vendal (Sgt Major Miniature) range than the crisper Foundry and Warlord ranges, they do seem rather larger than some of the Irish figures in my collection but they should fit in ok once based and painted.


  1. Very nice, can't wait to see what you do with them.

  2. Thanks for posting these.
    The cavalry look nice, I'm not sure about the proportions on the infantry however, they look a little too much like chess pieces for my liking.

    I thought you might be interested in this

  3. Aiteal thanks for the link interesting stuff, looks like a long wait for the Irish, I will post up a link in case anyone finds their way her.

    Best wishes


  4. Hi guys, Great to see these figures.

    My names Alan I work for Dave at Pendraken casting the 10mm's.

    I now own this range of figurines - checkout my website -

    Best regards Alan

    1. Alan thanks for the link, great to see the figures in the flesh.
      Good luck with the venture a great period.
