
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Warfare 2012 - Kallistra Antietam Refight

Sunday and the annual trip to Warfare, once again the Wyvern Wargamers linked up with the excellent Kallistra terrain system who were showcasing their ACW 10/12mm figure range.
The plan was to play through elements of the Battle of Antietam in particular Burnside's Bridge.


As in history Burnside's bridge was to prove a tough nut to crack, as in history time and again the Union forces rushed the bridge on to push back by rebel fire.

On the Right flank the Union forces secured bridge but were unable to make head way through the cornfield as the Confederate forces rushed to plug the gap.

A great day out and nice to play a big game, quite a change from the usual skirmish games.
Well done to Chris from the club who claimed 2nd place in the SAGA tournament, definitely a veteran on the SAGA gaming scene.


  1. Nice looking game, haven;t been to Warfare for a couple of years. I always liked the show, maybe next year??

  2. Great looking game, I've always been interested in Kallistra, just never got round to doing anything about it; one possibly for the future, maybe...

  3. Nice looking game. I've never been to warfare. I hope you don't mind I have passed the Liebster Blog award on to you.

    1. Thank you very much, nice to know people are taking an interest.
      Cheers Stu

  4. Hi Stuart, apologies for commenting out of the blue. I just wanted to let you know about a competition we're running at aimed at model makers and figurine painters. In a nutshell all we're asking to enter is to send a picture of your workspace to be in with a chance of winning a desktop paint and fume filter. Please see for full details. It would be great if you could enter - Thanks, Scott.
