
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Pet Shop Finds....

It's amazing what you find for the wargames table when out and about, my local pet shop was having a clear out and I picked up the following for £6.00 it requires little if any touching up and can be used for my Far East Project or any Pulp type encounter.

The door way appears to be perfect for 28mm as these West Wind Japanese demonstrate and unlike most fish tank extras does not come with the back missing or space for a pump. I just need to think of a scenario that uses this as an objective.......



  1. That is very cool. I'll have to start paying attention to that part of the pet store when I'm buying dog food.

  2. Amazing for £6! I always go and have a sneaky look when dragged into the pet store, but they always seem so expensive.

  3. What an amazing find, great value!

  4. Crikey! How come other people find these gems and I don't? Green with envy I am. Green!

  5. Fantastic value and a great looking piece.

  6. Excellent find. Never seem to snag any of these myself, so deeply jealous of your good fortune.
