
Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Sharp Practice - Shock Point Markers

The last post of the day, but not a bad start to 2013, having made the decision to use Mud & Blood for the Boxer Rebellion I need some shock markers which is one of the common requirements for all Too Fat Lardies rules.

Every wondered what to do with those dead and dying figures that come in command packs these days?
I saw a posting on Sidney Roundwood's Blog which was the inspiration for these shock marker bases. If you have not dropped by his blog please do the level of skill is fantastic and a real source of inspiration to any gamer.

Based on a circular base from Warbases, I added a couple of casualty figures from Peter Pig and a hit marker from Minibits, their markers come in several sizes and at a £1 for 10 markers and dice seems like a real bargain.

These really do tidy up the table top and cut down on the clutter, I can see me creating these for all my armies where I am using the Too Fat Lardies rules.


  1. Very cool Stuart. Those look great. Nice progress for 2013 already.

  2. Thanks Stuart. I got the idea from Curt Campbell over at "Analogue Hobbies", but thank you very much for the link-back! The Minibits markers look splendid, and a lot easier than building the dice wells yourself. I'm going to check them out!

    1. Thanks Sidney the Wargames grape vine in full effect:-)
      I will update my entry to cover Curt, Paul at the Wyvern Wargames club found the Minbits link.
      I will post to the Yahoo group later today, sounds like one for all.


    2. These look superb, well done.

      I'll have to get some of those 'minibit' trays - bodging up my own was a real hassle.

  3. Yup - a great idea and nice execution. We just use mini dice for shock points in our games, that seem to do the job OK - but these take it to a new level.


  4. A superb job on these and something I must attemp to having a go at myself.
    Thanks for sharing.
