
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Ambush Alley - Sierra Leone 2000

Its been 12 months since the last outing for Sergeant Strickland and his fellow Marines as part of Operation Palliser and the British operation to bring the rule of Law back to Sierra Leone.

Saturday night saw a detachment of Marine's deep in to the Occra hills assigned to protect a compound housing several nuns, the sick and elderly who have been put at risk from the advancing rebel forces of the Revolutionary United Front.

The orders are simple hold for 8 turns..... which will allow for the mist to lift and the choppers to come in and relieve the little garrison.

 The table with Compound in the centre of the village.

The British first section on over watch on the compound roof.

The British Second Section man the outer wall.


The RUF enter the table on all sides, but are pinned by the concentration of fire from the Marine detachments with a number of the groups being destroyed on sight.

Turn 6 a lucky strike from an RPG puts two of the Marines out of action and forces the other two members of the fire team to seek cover within the main building as the rebels make their move.

Turn 7 Rebel fighters reach the foot of the building and but are beaten back by the two Marines firing from the windows.


Turn 8 concentrated fire from the RUF force the Marines from the window and the rebels break into the compound however the clock ticks down to zero and the Marines survive. 

As with many a game we both agreed that 2 further turns would have altered the outcome. Still a fun game completed in under 2 hours.


  1. Great report ! Very nice figures ! Many Thanks !

  2. Nice report, the game looks fun.

  3. Hello,

    Nice looking game and good report!

    What scale are the figures?



    1. Joe all the figures are 28mm, the British are from Mongrel Miniatures, the RUF a mix of Assault Group, Foundry, Copplestone and Bobby Jackson's Thugz, I was after quite a rag tag mix for the African Militia.
