
Saturday, March 09, 2013

Crescent Root Studio - Desert Terrain

Following on from my recent review of the latest Crescent Root purchases (link) I brought the extra wall sections to top up my original pieces to add to my adobe village, but have never been really happy with them as stand alone terrain pieces.
Then I read a couple of great articles on the great blog Wargaming with the Silver Whistle which described how to create hay stacks.
Pat's blog is a constant source of inspiration. Seeing his step by step guide to making hay stacks I thought I would give them a try.

I glued the Crescent Root walls to the MDF board and added a number of door mat pieces to the compound, I would fill the gaps in later.

Adding tile grout to the outer edges, I then added a mix of sharp sand and cork pieces to the base of the walls and filled the gaps between the individual wall pieces.

I undercoated with a brown base colour to the field and outer wall before applying the dry brushing.


I added a heavy dry brush using the mix suggested on the flames of War website, which holds a great article detailing different paint styles for different regions of desert terrain.

Following Pat's instructions I cut up the door mat and added it to a PVA mix to give a trampled effect.


I am really pleased with the results, are there wheat fields in Egypt like this, perhaps?
But at least the walls will see some table top action and they are a great addition to the adobe village, perfect timing as I await the postman and the latest Brigade order.
Napoleon's campaign in Egypt is back on.......


  1. Hi Stu and thanks for the mention.
    You have done a fantastic job on these and I look forward to seeing them in their village setting.
    After reading your review on Crescent Root buildings I was very tempted to purchase some of these but am put off by the tax duty. I contacted Mark to see if they have a dealer in the UK or would be attending Salute but no such luck. Which is a shame, as you show on your blog, they are fantastic buildings and walling.

    1. Pat my pleasure, cant even hope to get to your levels...
      The 3 previous orders were fine and missed the tax man, but the last order did cost me an extra £20.. ouch.
      I think if Mark could find a UK stockist on acceptable terms he would do great in the UK.

  2. That is a great piece of terrain there

  3. Thanks Chaps, I thought an Olive Grove but this seemed quicker...
