
Saturday, March 16, 2013

Triumph & Tragedy - RJW 1904 - 1905

Finally managed to grab a few hours to put some paint on the last of the Japanese from Tsuba Miniatures, the latest batch gives me 2 squads and command section enough to put on a small game.
A further order is required to bring me up to my target of 3 sections, but I shall wait until the latest Russian's are available.

I picked up an MG Team and flags from Redoubt Enterprises at WMMS, which will give some much needed support for the Japanese.


I also picked up a copy of the Triumph and Tragedy Rules, I was drawn to these as they seemed very similar to the excellent Mud & Blood Rules from the Too Fat Lardies, the most significant difference is the ability to decide your own order of cards before the turn starts, it sounds an interesting concept.

Their is a free supplement for the Russo Japanese War available at the T&T website.
With Sunday's club fast approaching I thought I would give them a try out using my AVBCW collection, a full AAR to follow.


  1. Nice looking units. We have used T&T and found them very entertaining. I actually helped play-test the Colonial T&T Supplement awhile back.


    1. Frank, so if you were to choose T&T or Sharp Practice
      Both appeal to the 50 figure a side type game?

    2. I would have to say Sharp Practice Stu, but to be fair they are both designed for different eras. T&T does do small units in an early 1900's setting well. If I was to do say the NWF I would adopt T&T.

    3. We adapted SP for the Zulu Wars which worked really well and it is a set that club members no well, to ensure a smooth game. Just wondered if I needed to try something else or the period.

  2. Thanks for your kind comments, great to know people enjoy it.

  3. Add me to your list of people who derive enjoyment from your blog. Top stuff.
    Lovely Japs. Looking forward to the battle report. I've been on the lookout for a set of skirmish rules for the 1900-1930 period so very inmterested to see how it goes.

    1. Going to start small 3-4 sections per side, I will post up my thoughts later this week, Bjorn as been very helpful.

  4. Very cool. I really like those figures from Tsuba miniatures. I think you'll enjoy T&T. I used it for my Mexican Revolution games and found it a very fun system. Definitely worth it to read through the T&T section of the LAF to get some of the rules clarified. I like the game a lot though. I'm looking forward to seeing some of your AARs in the future.

    1. I like the idea of planning the cards one turn ahead, I have been playing SP for various periods but thought T&T might give the RJW a different flavour, I thought about running the same scenario twice to see how they compare.
