
Sunday, May 19, 2013

Safe Haven - The Elizabethan Zombie Wars.....

Last Sunday saw a further outing in the world of Elizabethan Zombie Nightmare....

Captain's Deacon & Coles had heard tell of a safe haven over the river in a valley to the west, untouched by the plague and the curse of the risen. They had been walking for many days and their morale was already a little low (why do people assume my games are aways a stitch up?) before they come across the small hamlet and the bridge, this time there would be no opportunity to avoid the dead, they would have to break through.

The eastern approaches to the town, all is quiet and no sign of the dead could be seen, but the Human player knows they are lurking some where on the table...

A view from the west, an abandoned encampment can be seen on the west bank.

The trained bands under Deacon and Cole tasked with forcing the river, armed with plenty of Calivers and Muskets, more than a match for the forces of the undead.

The forces of the living  advance on table from the East deploying into a skirmish line ready to face the undead drawn from the bridge by the tramp of boot on soil and the clank of armour, with over 30 living souls passage to the bridge should be easy.

The valiant captains decide to skirt the village and approach bridge from the river edge, as they near the barn , moaning and groaning greets their ears, before the doors give way, spilling the fowl undead from their temporary mortuary.

The undead player had 6 plague pits to place on the table and had opted for two on the out skirts of town, the human attackers formed a formal firing line and poured fire into the dead emerging from the barn, but the crash of muskets, served to awaken the dead in the plague pits at a rate of 1d6 per turn.

A ferocious melee ensued as the swordsmen carved into the evil creatures, losing two of their number but dispatching over 12 of the Zombies, but still they came on. 
To be sure the human players kill their fallen comrades a second time.

The human lines become stretched, they continue to pour fire into the advancing undead, but the constant firing on serves to attract more and more of the recently departed. Bullets run out, but zombies don't.

The first platoon, led by a band of monks, make a break for the river, the undead distracted by the rattle of musket fire outside the barn, they skirt the first burial pit as a couple of the fowl creatures shamble towards them.

A shot rings out knocking down a single zombie, but the shot is enough to bring more of the dead towards the advancing human's.
Seeing their path blocked the human players decide this is a bridge to far and head for the table edge.... They will have to find another way across the river if they are to reach the safe haven.

Human losses - 5
Undead Losses 43


  1. What a fabulous report; the more I read of these adventures the more I want to dive headfirst into the melee. Wonderful stuff.

    1. Thanks Michaels, it's amazing how one night's club game has taken on a life of it's own.

  2. That is awesome mate! Just awesome.

    1. Cheers buddy, just a little project to fill a Sunday evening :-)

  3. That is a great report with lovely eye candy. What rules do you use?

    1. LOTR in the main, with a few alterations inspired by the ATZ rules and Pike Shot and Zombie.
      I posted the in house Zombie rules here.

  4. Glad to see this report up Stuart - I have been waiting for it. An awesome game once again, very inspirational. That bridge sure did look uncrossable in the end. Love the presence of the priests - very cool (what figures are they?). As well I'm sure I have already asked, but how many undead figures do you have at your disposal?


    1. Cheers Frank and thanks for the mention on your blog....
      The priests are from the Foundry and their Eldorado collection.
      I have one pack of Mantic Ghouls and one pack of their Zombies' I thought about getting some more, but they are killed off so quickly they can be easily recycled.

    2. Thanks Stu - I have 30 Mantic zombies and only 10 ghouls, but I want the ghouls to represent more powerful undead horrors. I believe you mix the two types indiscriminately. Do you think 30 zombies would suffice for a similar setup to your own?


    3. Frank, this was a large game with 30+ living most games are around 10-15 humans with that in mind I would have through 40 dead would be fine especially if you have a 4x4 table.

  5. Excellent report great looking figures too!

  6. I am starting to worry that this zomby thing is getting out of hand. Gray zombies, Elizabethan zombies, I mean, what next?

    1. Ghosts of Mars John.....
      Don't worry I have more Russian's on the table for the RJW project, to bring some mainstream gaming back to the table... :-)

  7. An absolutely awesome series of posts with marvelous eye-candy!
    I just discovered your blog thanks to '"Furt"'s post there. While for me favoring the 18th C. (I *like*tricornes ^-^) including for 'Gothic Horror' games, it's always a great pleasure to enjoy 'Horror / Pulp' games set in other periods than the 'mainstream' Victorian and 1920 eras -specially when as marvelously done as yours!
    Not tempted at all by the 'Lace Wars' period? It offers a lot of diverse possibilities: for instance at least two different players are gaming AVBCW (of a kind) by then...

    1. I am not the fastest of painters so the Lace Wars would be a significant time commitment, besides the lead mounting is already pretty high, I have plans for Nap in Egypt which is verging on the main stream.
