
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Two Hour Wargames - Arab Revolt

We have all been there, you have a great idea for a project, you get the first batch of figures in the post, you start painting, you know you need at least 30 a side and you can't wait to get them on the table before the next shiny thing comes along. But before you know it you have 30 figures in a box and they have never been played with.

Mark has kicked off his Desert War Project and has done a cracking job on his Afrika Korps, but they lack opponents at present, so we agreed to put them up against my Arabs in a scenario inspired by a Commando comic of my childhood...... :-)
Played using the Two Hour Wargames - Chain Reaction Rules.

The village of Ali Bar Bar the Afrika Korp settle in for a nights rest, they are in desperate need of supplies, there armoured car has run out of fuel, they are in need of water and this is the last watering hole before the long march back to their own lines. 

They had been tracked for several days by the local tribesmen, seeing a chance of seizing prisoners for a chance of a ransom to either the Germans or British, as the sun sets they pour out of the desert.

The German MG34 Team, man the walls of the central compound.

Manning the roof tops the Germans stand to.

The local natives pour from the desert having spotted an undefended door at the rear of the central compound, on a high dune, native riflemen fire into the compound pinning a German MG team as they attempt to move to a position to cover the exposed rear door.

At the southern end of the village the Arabs filter into the outskirts of town, however their efforts are thwarted by a sniper in the tower, every time they step into the street they are gunned down or forced to cover.

A further group push forward but are stopped in their tracks by fire from the roof tops.

The natives reach the large door at the rear of the compound and smash their way in, however the Germans have moved an LMG team to cover the door and as the Arabs break in they are swept by machine gun fire, killing several and driving the rest into cover.

Natives push through the orchard but are brought down by German Rifle Fire, before they reach the defenders.

As the sun sets the Arabs have lined the wall to the compound and are breaking through the windows, but they have lost half their number for the loss of only 3 Germans. Meanwhile the Afrika Korps have moved reinforcements to the Alamo stopping the remaining Arabs in their tracks.

A great excuse for  a game, with a set of rules perfect for this type of one off scenario. The Arabs were completely outclassed and outgunned, but the game had some great moments including the killing of the German senior NCO with a spear through the chest..... One of those rare moments when 3 6's are needed.....


  1. Great looking table. I really like your palms. Are they home made or commercial?

  2. Millsy, I believe they were originally by HG walls in the US, sadly no longer trading, a real shame because they were really good value.
    Made from paper and dowel, I have a broken one, so might try and replicate it as a tutorial in the coming months.



  3. I can see chain of command being used for a lot of different settings and this is the first. Great terrain and figures Stu.

    1. I thought the same Pat, I have a bunch of 15mm that's sitting in a draw waiting for the right rule set.

  4. Brilliant idea for a North Africa scenario which doesn't involve hordes of tanks!

    1. Stuart and I get to mix to periods together in one game...

  5. What a fabulous looking game Stuart; I recently treated myself to a six month subscription to Commando - lots of ideas!

    1. Michael they certainly do stand the test of time and some great scenario's.. hard to believe 4500+

  6. Replies
    1. Just lacking a few more civilians and market stalls...

  7. Colonial wargaming with the Afrika Corps....great idea. Bit of a tough assignment for the poor old Arabs though. Superb looking game and figures.

    1. My mistake I had hoped that odds of 4 to 1 would have been enough, sadly not however... although we all agreed that it would have been a close thing if they could have got to grips...
