
Sunday, July 07, 2013

How do you eat an elephant?

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.
I guess we all know the saying, but sometime fail to apply it, last week has to be an example of seeing the whole elephant. Having had limited time over the last few weeks, I thought I would get the basing done on the next items due to hit the painting table unfortunately as I sit here now looking at the masses of metal and MDF, I am thinking that perhaps I should have brought them out one item at a time.

I might just have to go back to plan B and hide them from sight until the first items are complete....

In no particular order, additional movement trays for the Russo Japanese and Egypt Projects, Cavalry and Naval Brigade to bolster the War of the Worlds Home Front Forces in anticipation of All Quiet on the Martian Front coming out in December. Market Stalls to add some flavour to my Arab town.
Old Glory Nazim-i Cedit Infantry and Artillery to increase the Ottoman strength in Egypt, French Infantry to keep them at bay, together with shock and low ammo bases for the Russo Japanese Project.


  1. Looks like you got some work ahead of you Stuart. I think there are plenty of times when we've all sat and thought we should have focused on one project at a time. I'm going through that right not myself... I look forward to seeing it all done.

    1. Your not wrong Rod, looks like I will just have to man up :-)

  2. Yes, I look at a similar pile of movement trays and then turn away to do something more fun! But I'll ge around to them sometime soon.

  3. Just focus (if you can) on one squad/section/platoon at a time. That way you will get it done in next to no time. A bit rich coming from me I know as I flit between projects all the time, or given the current glorious weather, nothing at all!

    1. I need a deadline Steve something to aim for.... sounds like a reason for another big game.
