
Saturday, September 07, 2013

Chain of Command - Too Fat Lardies

Wow September already, August was a washout on the gaming front due to the warm weather and holiday's fortunately Rich Clarke has come along with a fine set of rules to kick start the remainder of 2013 and restore the balance of the universe......

Chain of Command Complete Bundle

Like many wargamers I always seem to end up back at WW2, whether it's micro armour rolling across the Russian Steppe or the Far East with 28mm Marines holding out against the Japanese onslaught.

Having played out the first game of CoC over at our club the Wyvern Wargamers last week I am hooked. A great excuse to dust off the 15mm collection which has been in cold storage for over 3 years.

The basic force composition within Chain of Command is "platoon plus" which should give you  3 sections units with a limited amount of weapons support and perhaps a couple of vehicles, perfect for a evenings gaming.

The game comes with a  fantastic patrol or  pre-game phase this is almost as much fun as the game itself as players jockey for the best launch point for their attack.

Rich has designed a new command and control mechanism using command dice to generate the set number of phases in a turn really forcing you to make command choices when you only have limited activations available all this building to the triggering of a "Chain of Command" score which allows you to make game changing moves.

I thought I would try late war and the closing stages of WW2 with fanatic German defenders holding out on all fronts as the allies push into the Fatherland, with a little bit of tweaking I should have the first elements on the table within a couple of weeks.

September could be a busy month......


  1. Everyone seems to be raving about these, maybe I need some WWII figures after all????

    1. I was the same Ray fortunately in true Blue Peter style "I am some I made earlier". Just need a little touching up and some leaders painting up.

  2. Not a surprise you got hooked in CoC!
    Best ever IIWW game I've played

    1. Just need to pull the units together now.

  3. It does look like a very good set of rules there

  4. Going off my experiences with SP, I'm about to try these with a mate who fortunately has all the 28mm figures and terrain necessary.


    1. I was the same Frank - if they work in 15mm, I might even switch my VBCW collection over... looking at the force composition it feels like no re-basing is required.

  5. 15mm eh, intriguing. You going singly based or multiples?

    1. A little of both due to the fact that I have a half started collection already based and undercoated for Panzer Grenadier however I will probably expand a little with a few singular figures for casualties or casaulty markers on the table for when it's not possible.

  6. A cracking set of rules from the test game we played at your club Stu. I've been too busy at work since I received them to give them more than a cursory glance, but they do look very good. I intend to use 10mm and 15mm figures for this and also play AVBCW, SCW and WWII (obviously!) with them.

    Once everything is finished and ready for the Dux Bellorum game at Colours I will give these the attention they deserve.

    1. Steve I was thinking about AVBCW with my 28 collection, any thoughts on what extra's might look like???

      Unfortunately I can't get to Colours this year, but several club members are on a road trip, so I will get them to drop by.


    2. Check out the TFL Forum as IIRC some chap is working on a SCW list. Combine this with the Home Guard one and a British 1940 one and you should be home and dry.

  7. These rules have got me back into WW2 and they are so good I want to use them for other periods as well. 10/10
