
Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Can you have unlucky figures? - Niazam Artillery.

The signed were bad from the day I ordered them, only half the order arrived, the rest would follow on later.

Tired of being the Napoleonic whipping boys, I thought I would bolster the Ottoman forces with some westernized Nizam - i - Ceditso or New Army.

The only manufacturer I am aware of that make them are Old Glory they can always be trusted to cater for the gamer seeking the odd units of a period, the challenge with Old Glory is that the quality of sculpt can vary from range to range, the Ottomans are a little less well defined than others but they do provide me with valuable reinforcements.

So I purchased 2 bags of infantry and 2 bags of Artillery crew (a week later Brigade bring out their Ottoman Artillery) - Bad sign number One.

So a started to put paint to metal, I found them a struggle whether it was the lack of close up detail or the fact they all appear to be cast with the same head surely not every member of the New Army had a broom handle mustache?
They took an age and were very often superseded by other projects, the uniform colours appear to match those of the period they were an absolute bind to paint and I was a little underwhelmed by the result.....
Another bad sign....

Then finally the curse of varnish frosting. These guy's are just damned unluckily.

Now a wanted a dusty effect but this is bloody ridiculous, I did encounter this issue about two years and over come it with Olive Oil.

To the doubters out there - Two years later, no mold and no smell :-)

I really can't decide whether I preferred the dull or shiny versions, the shine does tend to where off with game play.

However given the bad luck with these so far, you can only imagine how they are likely to perform on the table top.

So I finally finished them now just the 96 Infantry to do, they might have to wait at the foot of lead mountain for a while.


  1. On top of all that, you know they are going to get murdered the first game you try them out in dont you!? ;-)

    1. Don't I know it, the curse of newly painted figures, they never win on thee first outing.

  2. Stu, I share your pain.....some units are simply unlucky. They languish in some forgotten drawer, are a devil to paint, get half done and then left for a while, and when they're finally finished you don't really like the paint-job/unit/flag/army/scale/manufacturer...etc. You wonder why on earth you ever bothered with them. The last place they belong is on a tabletop, and its a narrow squeak for them to avoid Ebay.

    However, keep the faith, old chap. These sad little units almost invariably come good on the tabletop in their first game. It's almost as if the blighters were giving us the two fingered salute for doubting them in the first place. My most successful units have always seemed to be the worst painted, scabby lead-rotten mongrels imaginable.

    Matt varnished, possibly unlucky and half-forgotten....I bet these chaps work wonders with their chained guns!! Fingers crossed, anyway.

    I actually like the matt effect BTW!!

    1. Thanks Sidney sound words indeed, good job they play a supporting role, I would be really worried if they were cavalry leading from the front :-)

  3. Well, at least these will be memorable. I can't decide which finish either - the "dusty" look does have its appeal.

    1. They certainly will be Dean. Let's hope for all the right reasons.

  4. I used to have a Seleucid army that included two particular units of peltasts, bck int he d ays when variable castings were the things of dreams. The two units were both Greenwood and Ball figures of the same code but one has essentially green and the other predominantly orange shield pattern. Whereas the 'green' unit performed admirably, their orange brothers were absolutely useless. I sold the army after three years or so, but, during that time, the orange swines could do nothing right and if there was ever an award for least effective wargame unit, they would have won it hands down.

    I'm afraid there are some units who're cursed.


    1. That's my feels to Gary, I painted up the Earl of Manchester's regiment for an ECW project years ago, never won a melee, never passed a morale test. I think they were Orange as well.

  5. Dear Stuart,

    In my experience, the more accurately modelled or painted something is, the worse the little b*gg*rs perform.

    Kind regards, Chris

    1. Good job I don't use a professional painter then Chris I would never win a game again.. :-)
