
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Starship Troopers - Power Suited Troopers

My plan behind the Starship Troopers Project is to try and use all those odds and ends that seem to be languishing at the foot of lead mountain.

Having finished the first batch of 1st Corp - Light Armoured Mobile Infantry, I thought I would compliment them with some Power Suited Troopers which have not seen the light of day for several years.
I envisage these to be used somewhere between the Mongoose CAP troopers and the larger Marauders (which are difficult to obtain these days.) or early protypes of the power suits?

I picked these up from Eureka several years ago, they have long since disappeared from the website, and I don't recall part of any particular range, they were one of those impulse purchases which I never really found a use for them, until now.

The castings themselves have few weapons, at best something akin to a flame thrower or Auto-Cannon, hardly enough to turn the Arachnid tide, but their design compliments the look and feel of the mobile Infantry and they could yet prove valuable in encounters on Klendathu.


  1. Nice work, its always a pleasant surprise to bring oddities like this to the gaming table.

  2. If you want you can just use the old book cannon and say that they have "flamers" Or lasers that can focuses for long range precise shots, or just have a continues beam for cutting swaths though closer bug or skinny hordes.

    1. I am leaning more towards "flamers" depending on what rule set you pick, why have all that armour plating if you are going to fire at distance.

    2. So that you can survive to get to close combat! :D
      Just thinking of a dual use weapon is all, They just auto adjust the lens for long distance and close. narrow constricted beam for one off kills at distance and wide lens to flame ever one up close.

    3. Good point, with a game planned later this week, knowing my luck they will fail their morale tests before they even get to grips with the insects.

  3. Replies
    1. It's a shame they only did them for a short time.

  4. They look superb Stuart, great additions to the cause!

    1. Let's hope so Michael first outing very soon.
      Lets see if I can game as much as painting this year.

  5. The grey works well against the light coloured base, very effective.

    1. Thanks Pat, they do seem to blend in rather well.
