
Sunday, February 09, 2014

Very Quiet on the Martian Front....

Fortunately like many gamers I am somewhat of a butterfly, juggling several projects at any one time, good job really as it looks like All Quiet on the Martian Front has been delayed yet again....

I received the following mail in my inbox recently.

Project Update #134: Latest All Quiet News

Well it’s February and we are still waiting on the plastics.
This past week, the molds were moved to a new vendor since the old one wasn’t getting the job done. We hope to get some good news next week.  We are, of course, very sorry about the continued delay. It’s of critical importance to us too.
In other news, everything else is on pace.  Several of the models that are extensions of the plastics like the Martian Dominator and some of the steam tanks sit waiting for the plastics to come in so we can do a final test fit. 

Whilst frustrating it does allow me to clear some support pieces likely to be needed, one such project is the wave of humanity needed to flee in the Martians wake.

When I first set out to game WOTW's and WW2 for that matter, I always fancied a column of refugees to clog up the roads and be defended from the invaders, over the years I have managed to amass quite a collection of on there own useless figures, lelt overs from various projects, but put them together and they look rather good.

I wanted to create enough bases to give a certain density, most are from Peter Pigs various ranges.
With 7-10 figures per base there is enough to block a road or give human forces a reason to stand and fight as the civilians flee the table.

In hindsight I should have painted them before adding them to the bases as getting into the centre with the paint brush was a little difficult, but a black undercoat hides many sins.
On mass, I believe I have achieved the desired effect.

"Never before in the history of the world had such a mass of human beings moved and suffered together. The legendary hosts of Goths and Huns,1 the hugest armies Asia has ever seen, would have been but a drop in that current. And this was no disciplined march; it was a stampede—a stampede gigantic and terrible—without order and without a goal, six million people unarmed and unprovisioned, driving headlong. It was the beginning of the rout of civilisation, of the massacre of mankind."
H.G. Wells.


  1. Just six stands? ;-)

    Very nice, a fitting objective.

    1. Sorry Phil, just ran out of figures just standing about.... :-)

  2. Great job Stuart, great seeing them all laid out like that.

    1. It's hardly trooping the colour Michael.
      Welcome back.

  3. These stands do the job nicely and look rather good.

    1. Cheers Steve it should give the Brits some extra to worry about.
      Best wishes.

  4. Nice work! I really like the people pushing/pulling their carts, trams & wheelbarrows with their worldly possessions I too am waiting on the Alls Quiet on the Martian Front, but now that I see these figures I may have to start looking to get some. For now my focus has been on getting 15mm buildings.

    1. Terry my plan is to mix the first invasion with elements from AQOTMF, building wise I have a few more options for a morre rural back drop.
      The following trenches look the part.
