
Saturday, May 17, 2014

Ebob Miniatures - A Belgium holiday in Manchuria...

These were languishing on the paint table for months.... 
I picked them up on whim at Christmas and was in two minds on whether to actually paint them or move them on. The problem was historical accuracy vs table top gaming experience.

They are lovely castings by the guys as ebob miniatures who do a range of WW1 Belgiums, I thought they would give me an additional option for Russian Cavalry for the RJW Project.
With Tsuba Miniatures shortly to release Japanese cavalry the Russians will need reinforcements.

Being known for always picking projects off the beaten track, I suspect I could get away with using these proxies and claimed them to be Russian Frontier Guards, but might have to pack them away when the more purist gamers visit the club or these with an eye for detail.

I have completed both mounted and dismounted versions, but depending on the size of the game could be classed as two separate units if desired.

Next up more casaulty and low ammo bases following the recent release from Tsuba, those will be the real thing honest.....


  1. A nice mix of poses so I'd say keep 'em and don't worry about the purists!

    1. I guess if it plays well Steve :-)

  2. Accuracy be damned - they look cool and are wearing fur hats, Russian enough for me!

  3. Do you know if eBob is still going? I am "hoping" to receive an order from him but I have had no communication since before Xmas :(

    Any thoughts appreciated ...

    1. Sorry I only ever had one order from them, Have you tried posting on TMP?
