
Saturday, May 03, 2014

Mongrel Miniatures - Special Forces.

It's a amazing what a little inspiration can do, these chaps having been sitting at the foot of lead mountain for around 8 years, having finished the make over of the 1980's Brits and Spectre Miniatures - African Project which was pleasing to see reach its funding in under 2 days on Kickstarter.
I came across these special forces from Mogrel Miniatures still in their original blister packs...

Perfect to represent the small army of  professional mercenaries that Petrocorp employ in the country of Zikanga - The fictional country in South West Africa.

By way of a background PetroCorps Mercenaries are headed up by Henri Odinga, Odinga is responsible for security at the four main drilling sites together with the pipelines integrity throughout the country.

The Petrocorp sites have all had villages grow up around them and the flares-offs from the sites in part make up for a lack of electricity. However this townships contain various workers groups and unoffical unions which need to be "handled"

Odinga can call upon a small army of  Professions armed with advanced weapon systems including a number of MBT’s and fast attack helicopters.

Campaign Objective: Defend the pipeline and ensure oil continues to flow regardless of government in power, maintain profit margins.


  1. They are a very nice figures from a manufacturer I have not heard of before. Lovely paintjob too

    1. I great 80's range unfortunately a little hard to get hold of these days..

  2. Crimes Stu, you're churning them out

    1. Multi-tasking Phil :-)
      Next up more SST's.

  3. Superb! I wish inspiration would strike me like that!

  4. Great looking troops and terrain! Well done, and well worth the wait!
