
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

A Bridge too Far - Zikanga Campaign AAR #2

Sunday night saw another adventure in Zikanga.
Kwaz Nwazutha:- The Beast had been expanding his territory, his militia had been swelling his ranks with men from the local villages, increasing his finances by placing a toll on any people wishing to pass through Nwazutha territory, PetroCorp were facing increased costs on their production of crude oil and the route around Nwazutha land was taking several days extra which was making them uncompetitive.
A decision was made to open up the main highway.

Drone reconnaissance revealed that the main bridge over the Bukala River was garrisoned by a single section and sandbag enplacement, with additional militia stationed in a nearby hamlet, this looked like a job for a small team of trained professionals.
3 Mercenary fire teams have made it through the militia lines during the night and are in concealed positions over looking the bridge.

Fire team 1 move through the bush but bump into pickets a brief fire fight forces both sides to head deeper into the undergrowth.

Fire Team 2 open fire into the section defending the bridge killing several of the guards before they knew what hit them.

Moving forward Baxter shows the militia no respect and is gunned down by a militiaman wearing a yellow rain coat, how embarrassing.

Hearing the gun fire the militia rush forward from the village, battered pickups fire up their engines and head towards the bridge.

Fire team 3 on overwatch on a hill above the village unleash a storm of lead, sending several of the militia running for cover, a LAW destroyed the first pickup and the crew in the second are shot as they rush for the main highway, the militia have lost their mobility.

The Beast is seriously cross.

The massing militia force fire team 3 from the hill, one of their number is caught in a blast from an RPG, but is dragged into cover by his buddies.

Fire team 2 holds the left flank as Fire Team 3 heads across the bridge, both sides lack the fire power to force the other from the table, the Beast has been given a bloody nose but the road remains closed, 2 Merc's had been killed and in exchange for 16 militia, Petrocorp will need to rethink their plans if they are to return to profit.


  1. Stuart, love the idea of Zikanga! Great report, thanks.

    1. Thanks Bartek, I think my local pet shop believe I have a fish tank the size of swimming pool.

  2. Replies
    1. All this talk of profit and loss Michael is a little to close to the real job, must try and make the next outing a little more fun....

  3. I really enjoyed that Stu:). What ruleset did you use BTW? I'm very tempted to delve into this 'period' after living in Nigeria for 5 years, but my lead mountain is putting me off at present:(.

    1. Steve glad you in enjoyed it, we used Star Army by Two Hour Wargames, they take a bit of getting used to, as their tend to be mini fire fights within a single turn, but the quality difference does tell and the body count felt right, with professionals vs militia.

  4. Two dead wasn't it? ;-)

    Enjoyed the game, cheers.
