
Sunday, February 15, 2015

Rif Raf Miniatures LMG Teams - Head Swaps

With the final infantry on the paint table for the SCW Morrocan infantry platoon, time to turn to a little more support.

I was not that enamoured by the Empress Miniatures LMG team, besides which it comes with a tank hunter team, which I am not convinced that I need more than one in any regular Chain of Command game.

So I picked up a the LMG pack from Rif-Raf which came in moving and firing poses which would give me enough to complete the fire teams for my platoon, unfortunately they were wearing steel helmets and side caps more suited to the Falangista than the Morrocans so time to take to the power tools.

Their heads were removed very easily with a craft knife with very little damage to the webbing or existing shirt collars, using Empress's Morrocan head spures I pinned their new heads and filled the joints. the Empress heads are a surprisingly good fit to the Rif Raf dollies and once painted you can't tell the difference.


I added two shock marker frames just in case I need to record both dead and shock results, but I don't feel they detract from the bases. As these Nationalist troops are in summer shirts the actual uniform design fits in well with the other uniform styles within the platoon already completed.

They compare well to the existing Empress LMG team and the use of Empress heads gives a good degree of uniformity - not a bad Saturday's work.



  1. Those head swaps have worked out really well and as always a nice paint job.

    1. Cheers Steve almost enough for their first blooding.

  2. Looking good but you may wish for more tank hunters when you see that everyone bought a T26! :-)

    1. Maybe I have an Anti-Gun waiting in the wings :-)

    2. Hash, I admit I'm eyeing one up...

  3. Nice little conversion job Stu.

  4. Very nicely done. Interesting remodel.
