
Saturday, May 09, 2015

Chinese Village - Part 5

Having pulled an all nighter on Election night the final building for the Chinese village is complete.

The walling and stable is from John Jenkins Designs and are full of detail perfect for the run down look I was looking for.

The front of the house allows me to add the building to any main street, but can be used as a stand alone farm. The main house is from the guys @ Curtney's miniatures and is interchangable depending on scenario's. 

The compound is large enough to house a couple of sections with an open enterance at the front and small door at the rear.

After much deliberation I opted for straw scatter in the barn, I figured it brought the piece to life a little better matching it to the painted base of the compound. 

The rear of the compund contains a small door and 3 firing ports, which should make for some fun encounters.

The side of the compound with two small windows, better guard these or enemy troops might sneak in, I moved the building aside so you can see how easily the different buildings can be swapped around.

I also finished a couple of packs of carts from 4 Ground from their Samurai range I finished them off with the same straw effect, these can be used as scatter or barricades in the village.

I have a scenario in mind for the Lardie Day all dayer in June which will bring into play the full village and barricades so things are finally coming together. 


  1. Very nice work indeed and the straw scatter works a treat.

    1. Thanks Steve it certainly gives it a lived in feel.

  2. That's really nice. Great job!

  3. That looks great Stu. Like the straw scatter on the carts.

    1. Cheers Mark, looking forward to get some figures on the table now.

  4. Stu that looks great it might have been hard work but it's payed off .
    Regards Furphy .

    1. Ready for next week, which is the important thing - The first run through.... :-)

  5. Very impressive terrain - love the straw in the stable and wagons.
