
Sunday, June 28, 2015

Songs of Blades and Heroes - Four Way AAR.

Last Sunday saw the first outing for several of the Chinese Factions for the Sung Dynasty project, any excuse to get a little more use out of the Chinese village, the original scenario was a classic attack and defend with Korean Infantry holding a village against the advancing Sung.

However it soon turned into a multi-player swordfest and one of most enjoyable games for quite a while.

Over at Wyvern Wargames we like to think we are a little different, everyone should get a game and every member should be willing to include new people into joining in, there is nothing worse than a newbie turning up and standing and watching for a hour feeling like they are interupting.... 

With a potential new member wandering in and another player with no game, a quick switch around of the scenario and the village encounter became a 4 way race to capture and hold the cross roads.

The Palace guard under the command of Henrick make a rush for the cross roads, they have the shortest distance to travel and numerically smaller than some of the other factions, but with a higher quality of 4, they stand and wait the approch of the attakers.

The Koreans are first to try their luck, out numbering the Palace guard they nervously edge forward mindful of the enemy forces to their left.
These are from Perry's range - expertly painted by Gav - Check out his blog here.
Furphy's Brush with History
He is always on the look out for commission work and has done an excellent job on bringing the Korean's to life a tough job given the colouring of their armour.....

Dane moves the Temple Guard forward, the smallest faction but also with a quality 4 status soon start making their prescence felt, clashing with the Korean pickets, in a short and bloody affair several Koreans are isolated and chopped down for the loss of only one attacker.

Meanwhile in the centre of town the Korean's are having a hard time of it against the Palace Guard, the quality scores of 3 to 4 often means that the guard can bring more attackers into the fight, the Koreans fall back to regroup.


Finally my Sung Troops arrive poorly motivated they just seemed to be content to hang around or is this a cunning plan to see everyone else kill each other, after several rounds of ineffectual archery fire, I resort to going in with the sword, but by this time the Korean's have fallen back and the Palace Guard are able to bring extra troops to plug the gap. The poor quality Sung are no match for the Guard and their large clubs and choppers.....
Unable to bring my superiour numbers to bear they are taken apart one figure at a time... The curse of newly painted figures strikes again....

The clock is ticking and the Korean's come on again this time bumping into the temple guard who are making their play for the cross roads.

As the clock strikes 10.00pm, the Palace guard remain unmoved from the cross roads, the Koreans and Temple guard have knocked chucks out of each other while the Palace Guard look on, at the far end of the village my the Sung are still blunting themselves the against the rest of the guard......

Victory to the new guy.... and the Palace Guard...
Not bad at all for a for a first outing.....


  1. Nice little AAR and the figures and terrain look great:)

  2. Now that's how you do a battle report my friend ! Great read and an even better game, you can have great painted figures lots of terrain but it's really the people who game who can make or break the experience and that night had a lot of chuckles along the way . Thanks again Stu .
    Regards Gav .

    1. It certanly was, those Palace Guard were certainly tough....

  3. Great stuff...and fabulous terrain and minis!

    1. Thanks Gordon, it truely was a great game.

  4. Wonderful village and amazing figures. It looks like you have a great game!

  5. Very nice terrain and lovely figs :) Cheers!
