
Sunday, June 14, 2015

The 700 day wait......

Finally almost 2 years to after the initial order 12 months after the rules landed finally the miniatures have arrived......was it a mere coincidence that the package arrived a few weeks after the threat of legal proceedings and correspondence with the federal authorities?

Such a shame, I had high hopes for this this project but the whole affair has rather put me off.
I struggle to understand how new items can be released before backers receive their items, I could  have wandered along to several trade shows in the past 12 months and picked up most of the items on my list.....

Did Robot Peanut Studios/Alien Dungeon/Architects of War simply get carried away having asked for $50,000 and recieved over $300,000 and felt under pressure to keep adding ideas to the ever growing backers and pledge levels?

All I know is that nothing arrived and numerous e-mails remained unanswered before I had to take a firmer approach, contacting UK trading standards and even the office of the state governor.....

My plan was always to compliment my existing Victorian Collection with a few choice items such as the Mono-Tank, it had a feel of the Penny farthing and afterall we are talking 1890's.

I also have some of the small Martian Drones which will compliment the Martian Infantry that I have from the guys at Blackhat Miniatures.

A smoother release and greater communication would I am sure created a wider interest in this gaming system and range of figures, but I wonder if that ship has now sailed?
I see today that the UK is now down to one stockist as Curtey's is clearing their stock.

I real shame - Definately won't be backing anything from these guys again.....

Perhaps putting paint to miniature will provide a little more motivation for me to finish up this project.

On a brighter note and I ventured back into Kickstarter and supported the latest offering from Cool MiniorNot - with Zombcide Black Plague.
A fantastic start with $1,500,000 in less that 24 Hrs. 

I just hope they don't get carried away too.........


  1. Well I'm glad you have finally received your stuff Stu, but the whole thing sounds pretty shocking to say the least. The Penny Farthing contraption does look great though and hope the painting of the miniatures will spur you on to finish this project.

    1. Hope so Steve - just in the process of fixing the legs on - worse than Victrix :-)

  2. That's shocking, almost 2 years ! Your a better man than I am Stu, I would have threatened legal action far sooner! It is a bloody shame as this line had so much promise to it. I've been involved with two Kick starters both went very well/ In retrospect I'm glad I didn't jump on this one, and I was tempted to. I too hope you finish this project as I'd love to see your work.

    1. Don - Just because you can reder a 3D sculpt does not mean you should actually offer them for sale..... truely shocking..... The lack of communication only compounded the delay.

  3. That's pretty shabby customers service, all in all.

  4. 2 years!!! I'd smash the bits up with a hammer and send them back!

    1. What and give them the pleasure of recycling for some other poor sap.
      Mind you trying to fix the legs to the drones last night, they almost went in the bin :-(

  5. I also took part, more for the models than the game, luckily. The bulk of mine arrived pretty early on, but the balance took an age.

    For me the most irritating thing (other than the delays) was that the rulebook I did receive wasn't the rulebook at all, but a booklet of rules and selected stats, and produced in such a format that it is incredibly difficult for me to read even with strong reading glasses (small format, with black type on grey background). No doubt it was clearly explained in the kickstarter and I missed it but, no, I don't want to fork out another $40 to buy the rulebook.

    Nice models though, and I'm sure I will use them for other projects.

    1. Clive
      That was my thoughts as well, these bolt on's where more to add to my Victorian collection, I plan on having a play test in a few weeks, but my feeling is it's one of those rule sets designed to force you into buying in bulk. I suspect I will retreat back to Martian Empires....
