
Sunday, July 19, 2015

Assegai's at Dawn....

Blimey 4 years have passed since the last outing.... for Lt Henshaw.

Previous outings have seen us using the Too Fat Lardies, Sharp Practice rules with a few tweaks for the Zulu Wars, campaign games were generated using the Platoon Forward suppliment again tweaked to give a more colonial feel, but given the number of troops involved for this encounter the switch was made to Songs of Blades and Heroes with a couple of tweaks.
A 600 Point encounter just enough for an evenings encounter.

Lt Henshaw was once again on the march. After a day of slogging across the veldt, it was good to finally stop, tents were pitched and tiffin taken... However just before Dawn, the mens rest was interupted by a sneaky Zulu attack.

The encampment, cattle graze and pickets watch for any hidden attackers, the Brits were allowed 4 guards and were unsure of where the Zulu's would attack from.
Points wise everything was equal, however the Zulu's out numbered the Brits by at least 2:1, as the Zulu player I was feeling pretty confident.

Horns of the Buffalo. Deciding on a classic Horns of the Buffalo approach, a party of my warriors rushed in from the left flank, while Riflemen appeared on the rise, a picket let off a warner shot and slotted the Zulu Leader.
Whose idea was it t make rifle fire lethal........

Standto..... the Brits pour from the tents and begin to make an impact on the raiding party, shooting several of the attackers down, however with some good dice, I managed to get into hand to hand and started to pin the Brits.

With the Brits pinned on the left flank, I rushed the centre forward, the pickets fired on the attackers but missed and the Zulu's closed on the guards, revenge was in the air....

On the left dispite several knock downs the Brits held on and the counter attack led by Henshaw saw my warriors whittled down to just above 50% of their starting force, however in the centre things were a little better, numbers were begining to tell and two British soldiers went down under the stabbing Assegai....

The Brits were forced backwards but Henshaw stood firm, as the Brits backed off, they fired into the advancing Zulu's killing another two attackers, my force is now down to less than 50% of their 600 points.

Whilst one Zulu hung on, the rest fled to the table edge... Game over....

A great little encounter, SBH worked really well, as usual the quality level of 3 vs 4 was telling the Zulu's need to isolate the Brits to win, rifle fire was lethal.... literally..... and was 3 points well spent....

Definately wont be leaving it 4 years before the last encounter.


  1. Stu that was a cracking game you almost felt Stanly Baker was over our shoulders directing the film, your riflemen might have made a difference if they could shoot straight even private Unlucky Jack was safe with rounds brassing up the ground at his feet !
    Regards Gav .

    1. I have revenge planned at the next club Gav if you fancied it :-)
      A few tweaks here and there....

  2. Lovely litte game and well done the Brits!

    1. All done in under 2 hrs Steve.
      I should have put up tougher resistance.... :-(

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Comm....
      Glad you enjoyed it.

  4. A great period and done with just a handful of figures, very nicely done.

    1. Cheers Pat.
      You know you cant go back - right :-0

  5. Great looking game.

    Is there any possibility of a list of your tweaks?

  6. Hey,,
    Like the report and the game too.
    Could you tell me which kind of tweaks you use with SOBH.
    Shields ?
    For example.
