
Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Chinese Dragon - A sunday night takeaway....

Back in June we played a very enjoyable encounter over at the Wyvern Wargamers involving 4 players fighting over a cross roads in a nameless Chinese village...

You can read the full AAR here

It must have been fun as it appears to have sparked interest in some of our various players who are now pulling together various oriental clans for the next outing.

Gav one of our valiant band very kindly gifted me this wonderful Chinese Dragon....

A fantastic sculpt and brillantly painted by Gav, he regularly takes commissions, I recommend you give him a look if like many of us you have more ideas for projects than you have brush time.

You can find more of his work here...

Just need to pull together a scenario for this beauty......


  1. Indeed, a thing of beauty this wonderful Dragon. Thanks for sharing :D

  2. Thanks Steve it truely is and probably one I might have been putting to the back of the list... as a little to challanging.
