
Saturday, September 05, 2015

War of the Worlds - Mankind Experimental Weapons.

Campaign's serve serveral purposes for me, not only do they tend to throw up interesting scenario's, which ordinarily would not be fought on a table, but they also serve as a useful driver to get items finished that have been sitting on the paint table for quite a while.

Whilst things went reasonably well for the human forces in game one, they have not seen the Tripods yet and I suspect will need some help if they are to stem the Martian tide.

I picked this up from the AQOTMF range, whilst a little to modern for the period I am trying to recreate, I have classed it as an Experimental Weapon within the Martian Empire rules, with the same classifications as a Heavy Steamer.

In Victorian terminology it will be classified as an Automated HE layer, dropping a single High Explosive Charge for each order given.

Capable of delivering up to three charges per game. Any enemy or for that matter friendly troops who come within 10cm of the mine marker will suffer a Fire Factor 9 hit. The Charge marker will then be removed.


  1. Lovely model and I like the background 'fluff'.

  2. I can feel a whip round coming on for one of those for my table although with my luck my units will be bouncing off them all night .
    Regards Gav .

  3. Interesting project and great job on the tank!

    1. Thanks Jason, it should make for a fun tabletop element.

  4. Interesting take on using a grey colour for the tank, rather than a drab green. I also really like the mine markers! Well done

    1. I wanted to go for a Navy type feel assuming the development was Pre-WW1.
