
Saturday, October 03, 2015

England Invaded 1880 - Turn 2 Martian Moves.

Sunday night see's the Martian forces take the offensive.
After mixed results in Scotland and Wales with the Scots destroying a further landing site but the Welsh being defeated before they could approach the Pit. The Martians move quickly to consolidate their hold on the South of England, sending their legions of monstrous Tripods to seize undefended counties.
Devon, Cornwall and South Coast quickly falls to the the vast sentinel shaped mechanisms, whilst Martian forces spill out of the pits in the West Country and drive towards the Midlands, Only London stands firm, a beacon of hope against the Martian invader.
The London garrison man their trenches and await the advancing Martians, dispatches have been sent calling in the garrisons of Wiltshire and Berkshire to reinforce the Capitals garrison, if only they can hold out before the Fighting Machines destroy the Capital.

Early editions of the Times feed the nation with valuable insight into the approaching battle.

Stay tuned reader for further dispatches from the front.


  1. Dark times indeed. The Capital seems poised on the very precipice of disaster. Hopefully our armed forces can stand fast.
    I am watching developments with alarm. Your intelligence reports are vitally important. Keep up the good work that man.

  2. Hmmm, that nasty red rash on the map doesn't look good for Blighty. Stiff upper lips and waxed moustaches are the order of the day. Britannia will prevail!

    1. Worrying times for HM armed forces still, there turn to go on the offensive next...

  3. Siege of London with Martian tripods. It will be great fun.

    1. With a mere 700 points to play with I suspect a mere probe....

  4. Grim times for Britain. I have faith in the armed forces, but I might catch a steamer to Singapore, or Capetown. Or somewhere far away ...
    Great stuff, looking forward to more.

    1. Thanks Michael dispatches from the front should be out tonight.
