
Monday, November 30, 2015

England Invaded - Light Cavalry Reinforcements and Osprey's latest offering.....

With the next round of encounters a few weeks away, the light cavalry join the fray....
These are fantastic castings from Eureka but the detail slowed my ability to get paint on the figures.... Almost too nice to paint.

Just as I was hitting painters block and being drawn to new projects, Osprey's latest Dark Series publication arrived, War Of The Worlds: The Anglo-Martian War of 1895 by Mike Brunton.

I just hope the lancers last longer than the cavalry in the book "The 9th Lancers immediately charged forwards and were slain by the Martians"

The book is written from the perspective of Great Britain. 80-pages long broken down into 5 Chapters detailing the strategy employed by both sides, full descriptions of the red weed, the cylinders, and the Martians themselves.
As you have come to expect from Osprey the book contains some lovely prints by the artist - Alan Lathwell, two appendices are included: “The Hunter” and “Winston Churchill’s Martian War.” which I can see appearing in future scenario's in the England Invaded campaign.


Whilst some of the centent varies from Well's original text, it does follow the spirit of the War of the Worlds and is a must for any War of the Worlds fan....
Just the tonic to get the rest of the heavy cavalry finished.....


  1. Wow, those look pretty damned nice to me Stu:)

    1. Just don't look to close Steve, it took a couple o f sessions for the old eyes to adjust to the smaller scale :-(

  2. Very nice painting! Boy, oh boy, "War of the Worlds" games really are the fashion of the year in gaming aren't they? It was Dark Ages two or three years ago, Zombies before that...

    1. Agreed Ski - in my defense this has been on the project table for over 5 years - but some of the latest releases have pushed it to the forefront this year.

  3. Very nice looking lancers Stu no hint of painters block there !
    Regards Gav .

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Phil.
      Missed the painting challange again....

  5. Congratulations on a fine painting of the Lancers Stuart.....looking forward to your next campaign game. Regards. KEV.

    1. Thanks Kev.
      Thursday night - Scotland vs The Martians...
