
Monday, November 09, 2015

Feeling a little horse.....

Given the lack of painting time recently, I thought I would prep some of the bare metal in preparation for that rare moment of free time....

Probably not the best I idea......
I took on all of the recent purchases out of the box in one go, I normally like to take batches of the little fella's out of the draw rather than on mass..... for the very reason that I am now staring at a tray full of shiny bare metal..... Thinking how can I get through this little lot before kicking off the Chechin project....
I bloody hate painting horses as well.

Japanese Cavalry for the Russo - Japanese war including the more shock markers.

Eureka heavy cavalary for the Martian Empire Campaign, these are 18mm, whilst most of my collection is 15mm, they weere really to nice not to purchase and give mankind the final piece of their forces...

Now to pick a unit before painters block really takes hold.


  1. Great work Stuart- I'm particularly drawn to the pix of the Eureka 18mm Heavy Cavalry ( presume from the Crimea Range)...for the upcoming Martian Empire Campaign. Regards. KEV. p.s., I know Mike Broadbent who sculpted the Crimea range - though have not seen him for many-many years.

    1. Wonderful figures Kev, they should give me the mobile arm to the forces of the Crown.
      Best wishes

  2. How can you paint them while they're based? It seems like it would be a hassle to get in between the horses.

    1. You might be right Ski, I am always a little worried about painting the mini's and they ruining them with adding the basing materials.

  3. I hate painting horses too, even in 10mm. I share your pain...

    1. 10mm yikes.....
      I think there is a space in the market for just a horse painter :-)

  4. Any progress is good progress, I hate horses, having to paint two things to get one thing!

  5. That's quite a sight! Best of luck with that little lot!
