
Sunday, December 13, 2015

England Invaded - The Charge of the Heavy Brigade.

Finally after weeks on the paint table the Heavy Cavalry are finished, the urge came due to the desire to beat last years figure total.
A mere 30 mini's needed to beat last years paint tally.... childish I know, but hey if it gets figures on the table.

Another unit by the guy's down under - Eureka from their Crimea range, far to much detail for me to get the best out of them, but the dynamic poses are just what I was looking for, charging across the battlefield looking to send the evil Martians back to the Red planet.

With any luck you should see these entering the campaign in the coming weeks, given the recent victory in Scotland - I just need to persuade the Human players to invest in a stable....


Next up something a little more modern....


  1. Very nice and very impressive!

  2. Nice work Stuart on the Heavy Brigade- Eureka 18mm are very good figures. Look forward to the next installment against the Martians. Regards. KEV.

    1. Final game of the year Kev is this Sunday.
      Can the Martian hold out against the advancing Brits coming looking to wipe out the last of the invaders in the north.

  3. I can attest to a very good looking unit, nice one Stu !
    Regards Gav .

  4. Lovely! Now they only need to CHARGE!!!!
