
Monday, December 28, 2015

More Chechen Fighters....

A day on the brushes and a chance to get more Chechen fighters finished for the Chechnya project.
I had originally opted for 4 man regular fire teams within Chris Peers - At Close Quarter rules but given recent "Zikanga" games opted for 6 man sections, each containing 1 RPG/AT weapon and a squad LMG, supported by an NCO and 3 riflemen. This should give the Chechen's comparable fire power to the Russian fire teams.

I am thinking that a full company may be somewhere near 40 figures, with a scattering of support weapons, a very loose formation depending on what turns up on the day.

I have started pulling together a few scenario ideas together and perhaps a limited campaign based on a Russian column and it's push into Chechnya and the Capital Grozny, more on that in the coming weeks.

Next up heavy weapons and more militia types.


  1. Some nice brush work Stu !
    Regards Gav

    1. Plenty more to come in 2016 Gav.
      Back to 28's for a few weeks while I wait on a fresh order... to take on your Russians.

  2. Good to see your progressing Stuart on this interesting 15mm Project...I cannot paint 15mm or 18mm- it is beyond me. I have 15mm Fantasy ( Dwarfs and Ratmen Armies) -plus an Army of 18mm Napoleonic Saxons and 15/18mm Blue Moon Sudan British and 18mm Eureka Crimea Russian Armies...all unpainted looking for a good home! I'll never paint them....anyway all the best with Your Chechnya Project. KEV.

    1. A minor distraction Kev, back to 28's over the festive break, the RJW Cavalary have been waiting far to long on the paint table.
