
Sunday, January 24, 2016

Japanese Cavalry - Russo Japanese War 1904 - 1905

If you read the news January is supposedly the most depressing month, Blue Monday, bills to pay, enforced diets, but in wargaming terms it's the month where new ideas and projects start.

The paint table is full of blister packs and bubble wrap of projects planned for the next 12 months and that's before show season starts in March with Hammerhead and WMMS where shinnyitus is bound to take hold.

I really need to hold my nerve and crack on with the stuff that's been outstanding from 2015.
Buried under the bubble wrap were these Empress Japanese Cavalry from their Russo-Japanese range based and under coated in November they have waited patiently while other toys jumped the queue.

These will bolster the Japanese forces and give me a more mobile option in future encounters and give me opponents for the Russian Cavalry.
The lighting was not the best, they are somewhat less shiny in the flesh, but they are great sculpts as you would expect from the hand of Mr Hicks.

I have been using Mud and Blood from the Too Fat Lardies, but may well give Sharp Practice 2 a try when it's launched in April given that the expanison of the period covered.

With these complete, an opportunity to switich to some of the new projects, but where to start, the first Chechen game in two weeks, I still need a few odds and ends for that scenario. Figures for the planned Hammerhead game in a month so far I have the Title "The Water Margin" but little else or some of the other distractions hidden amongst the bubble wrap and brown boxes..... Chinese Frostgrave anyone?


  1. These are very lovely figures and I am looking forward to your hammerhead game as I'm there too with an VBCW game

    1. Pete I think we were neighbours last year, with your excellent viking burial game, looking forward to seeing this years offering.

  2. Very nice sculpts and looking forward to seeing these in action.

    1. Thanks Steve, so many games, so little time.

  3. This is a great model line. You've really done them justice.

  4. They look great! Nice additions to your RJW project.

    1. Thanks Dean, hopefully another outing real soon.

  5. It's a pity there would be a lot of empty saddles after a volley of Russian rifle fire ! Nice work Stu .
    Regards Gav .

    1. It's the Chinese Army you need to watch out for buddy :-)

  6. Great looking cavalry, very well done!

  7. You've done terrific work n these guys, Stu. The green cap and cuff bands are especially well done and the flag adds a ton to the unit. Bravo.
