
Sunday, February 14, 2016

Chechnya - 1st outing...

After several weeks of painting finally time to put some lead on the table.

Nothing too taxing for the first outing but it did allow everyone to get their toys out and try the rules in 15mm.

June 1995 somewhere between Benoi and Vedeno - Chechnya.
A Russian BM21 has broken down on one of the major supply routes. A squad has been left behind to protect the rocket launcher whilst reinforcements are on route along with a repair party. The area is known for rebel activity.
The Russians must protect the vehicle and drive off any Chechen fighters.

The northern approaches, the vehicle park can be seen in the centre of the table.

The BM21 is in a reasonable good defensible position with shielded by a row of houses and light woods to the North, East and West.

The Russian commander opted for a cirle of pickets in the high ground hoping to spot the rebels early, they are soon rewarded with two guards stumbling into two whole squads of Checken fighters.


The pickets fall back, but a pour dice roll leaves them pinned in the road and dispite covering fire from the corner house are soon cut down in a hail of bullets.


Meanwhile on the Northern raod a Russian squad is under fire from a Chechen screening force.

To the South a BMP1 edges along the approaches to the vehicle park, Chechen fire does little to slow it's advance.

A further Russian security force approaches from the West only to ambushed by another Chechen fire time.

 A short firefight drives the Russians to ground, with casualties on both sides.

We have had some good encounters using Chris Peers rules in 28mm, but they did not covert well to 15mm, the vehicles movement was to slow and the command and control was difficult to maintain in the smaller scale for squads in such a large area, which was a shame as the scenario should have given a better encounter. 
The plan is to try and rerun using Force on Force and see if that gives us a better result and more in keeping with what we had in mind espically if we are increasing the vehicle count.


  1. Thanks for putting on the game Stu it was a good night .
    Regards Gav .

    1. Not sure the rules really worked but will hunt about and see what I can find.

  2. Force on Force never worked for us. We just found it too hard to find the relevant rules when we wanted them. Skirmish Sangin has given us the best games so far, but these work best with quite small forces. It will be interesting to see how your next game pans out.

    1. Thansk for the heads up Steve, finding the right balance is proving rather tricky... even looked at Laser force from back in the 80's :-)
      Next up flying lead, but they might be to low level as well.
      I suspect we will have another run through in the coming weeks

  3. Nice looking game. I've often found it has taken a while to find the 'right' ruleset for me. Then I go changing my mind a bit later... still I find it keeps things fresh.



    1. It does Pete, you just have to hope the games run smoothly and this one just did not flow.

  4. Hi Stu. Have just come across your blog and enjoying watching your Chechnya project unfold. Actually doing something similar myself but in 20mm. Don't know if you have come across these but they might be of interest: which is an article on the Battle for Grozny and a free ebok which you can download on Russia's Chechen Wars (1st and 2nd) at: Cheers, Peter

    1. Thanks Pete for the heads up - a very good read with several ideas for future games.
