
Saturday, March 05, 2016

Return from Hammerhead 2016

Saturday saw the Wyvern's first club outing of the year - Hammerhead 2016
Another cracking show, 3 cracking games, great to meet up with fellow gamers and thanks to all those who took stopped by and chatted and took part in our game.
Hammerhead is shaping up to be one the best shows on the circuit, a show with a very different feel to it than others every game is a participation game, this creates a friendly atmostphere with gamers stopping by to chat and play other peoples games....
The venue the George Stevenson Hall was excellent - plenty of room to move around and natural light to see what's on offer.

The village of Hu San-She, not a place to be caught out on the street as the waring factions set about one another.

The waring factions.

 Plenty of terrain and hidden corners to get the jump on your opponent.

 Game 1 and Blue Dragon of the Blue Banner Team suffers a fatal wound as he was tempted into the open, not the best opening move.

 Members of the Imperial Guard hold the cross roads, with the Black Banner Team taking the oepning game with 6 Revenue chits.

 The Good Judge squares up to the Imperial Army Commander as they battle for ownership of the 4 revenue chits in the centre of the table.

 Sneaking through the courtyard the Blue Banner team find their way blocked by  members of the White team.

Game 3 and the Red team find their way blocked as they rush for the Prefect's courtyard.

7 minutes on the clock remaining and the Blue team rush head long for the cross roads on collision course with the yellow team.

Songs of Blades and Heroes makes for a fast paced game keeping everyone involved from the outset, each of the 3 games had a slightly different feel with players throwing caution to the wind as the clock ticked down.

Great to see all the planning was not wasted although the wallet to a bit of a battering being so close to the Curtney stand and the urge to put some rampaging Mongols on the table and a War Wagon to escort the taxes back to the capital.
Maybe one for year year.....


  1. Great stuff! Looks really cool.

  2. Looks like you had a wonderful time.

  3. The table looks excellent and glad it all came together on the day:)

  4. Great looking table Stu !
    Regards Gav .

  5. Your game looked great shame we couldn't,t play it too busy running our Mogadishu game thanks for the tip with the difficult to do Japanese Roof design

    1. Glad to jave met you Dave.
      Your game looked great - looking forward to catching up next year.
