
Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Dragon Rampant - Narnia. The Army of the White Witch.

Another slow week on the gaming front, but with some over night stays at work, time to catch up on the reading front. I have been itching to get some game time in with Dragon Rampant and have a couple of Fantasy Armies moth balled since Hordes of Things was popular
But with a little adjustment here and there the forces are easily re-purposed Dragon Rampant.

Inspired by the 2005 movie The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. I built up opposing forces for refighting the Battle of Beruna the final battle scene in the movie.
The books were a must read for me as a child and it has to be said the movies did capture the flavour of the stories, the kids even took an interest on what was on the painting table which can't be bad.

It turned into one of those projects that was almost more fun tracking down suitable figures than the actual painting and playing.

A typical Dragon Rampant engagement usually calls for 24 Army points but as usual I got a little carried way, but it does give me plenty of scope to vary the troop types and put down more unusual pieces.

Set out below are the various troop stats for deploying The Army of the White Witch.
Total Points playable 79.

Jadis - The White Witch (6)
Self-proclaimed Queen of Narnia and responsible for the Hundred Years of Winter.
Heavy Riders (Chariot) + Spellcaster
10 Points
Spells - Dragon's Breath, Sharper Blades.

Black Dwarf - Ginarrbrik (6)
Personal servant of Jadis, the White Witch.
Elite Foot
6 Points

Minatour (12)
Enormous earth shaking creatures with Bulls Heads, under the command of General Otmin.
Bellicose Foot
Terrifically Shiny Armour.
6 Points

Dire Wolves (6)
Under the command of Maugrim, a servant of the White Witch and Captain of the Witch's Secret Police.
Greater War Beasts
8 Points

Wildmen (12)
Barbarian hordes from the Western Wilds and early decendants from Telmar.
Light Foot plus Missiles.
5 Points

Rats (6)
Hordes of the foul beasts
Lesser War Beasts
4 Points

Black Dwarves (12)
One of the Nine Classes of Narnian Creature, darker cousins of the Red Dwarves.
Heavy Missiles
4 Points

Satyrs (12)
One of the Nine classes of Narnian Creatures, Goat like in appearance.
Heavy Foot
4 Points

Nasties (6)
Evil beings present at the slaying of Aslan at the stone table. 

Elite Foot
6 Points

Horrors (6)
Evil beings present at the slaying of Aslan at the stone table.
Lesser War Beasts
4 Points

Werewolves (12)
Men who by will or enhantment are able to turn into Wolves.
Bellicose Foot plus Missiles
5 Points

Nasties Leader (6)
Elite Foot
4 Points

Nasties Shaman (6)
Elite Foot
4 Points

Witches Cannon (12)
A monsterous gun manned by Hags.
Heavy Missile
4 Points

Looking forward to the first outing on Sunday - As soon as Aslan gets his forces in order over the weekend.

Thoughts and observations welcome on any tweaks to the forces and the unit types as they may well change once I have committed figures to table.


  1. A nice trip down memory lane.....just so you know you have pasted some extra pictures on the blog of African tribes me and a police swat squad ? I didn't see then in the film ? But they are nice too.

    1. Curses blogger misbehaving again. One for the morning.

  2. Sorry all try as I might the Zulu's and the Riot Police might have to stay, they are don't appear in draft and a cut and paste still shows them in a new posting. I am betting they won;t be appearing in the next movie?

    1. I took down the thumb nail photo's to see if that fixes it on future posts.

  3. Looking forward to seeing these, I'm searching out a 15mm fantasy army ....

    1. Should be ready for Sunday Paul along with the good guys :-)

  4. What a great idea and lovely job with the painting and basing too.

    1. Thanks Michael, I should have Aslan's Army complete by the weekend.

  5. Great idea! I had been thinking about using Dragon Rampant for the battle of Arkenland in A Horse and His Boy.

    1. That could be fun, I ahve a half painted Telmarine force tucked away somewhere.
      Thanks for posting.
