
Saturday, July 02, 2016

Chinese War Wagon.

It seems to be quite a while since I put paint to metal, work seems to have crept into the evenings when I really should be painting.

Back in April (Bloody Hell April....) I kicked off the first of what I had hoped to be a number of linked games set in ancient China with a vision to recreate episodes from the Water Margin TV series, but then got side tracked into various games and the the Chinese sat on the shelf awaiting their turn in the queue.

With a plan to revisit Egypt Project for Sharp Practice I promised myself I would clear the Chinese first.... Focus man.

First up the an extra piece of hardware for the Sung Government, I war wagon perfect for guarding those taxes stolen from the people. Produced by Curtney's Miniatures it comes with 6 Crossbow armed troops but I can only stretch to 3 as I base on 2p's...

I picked up the Wagon and a number of barricades and trade supplies at Hammerhead earlier in the year, what treasure column could be complete without some loot to plunder.
Great stuff by Anisty with uses across the periods.

These will come in very handy when the government come to crush the rebels in their stronghold, whenever that scenario happens... :-)

Next up carts from Colonel Bill's.... No pressure but the next game is this Sunday......


  1. Lovely work Stu 😉.
    Regards Gav .

  2. Games based on the TV series?

    Be still my beating heart :)

    (I was looking at the DVDs only this evening, thinking that they may be next on my view list after we've finished Babylon 5. Saint Burt Kwouk died the other week, so it seems appropriate.

    1. Largely forgotten Kaptain although everyone seems to remember Monkey :-)

  3. Nice painting Stuart - do like the little fellow at the Desk- be interesting to see how this cameo fits into a Scenario. Regards. KEV.

  4. Great stuff Stuart. I especially like the tax collector at his desk with entourage, and that pile of odds and ends would be useful in all sorts of ways. The war wagon looks useful for deterring bandits in small #s but I would't want to be caught inside it in a big fight.

    1. You might be right Michael espically after the chap leading the Oxen cops it :-)

  5. That's very very nice, great job!

  6. Nice "stuff" Stuart. It's these types of things that make all the difference to me in my own games.

