
Saturday, July 30, 2016

Sung Cavalry - Yet more Water Margin reinforcements.

Back after a week away and plenty of reading on various projects, notably the French in Egypt which fits nicely into the plans for Sharp Practice 2 and an impulse purchase about Dick Turpin from a second hand book shop in Seaton.
After the usual chores have been done finally a chance to hide away for a few hours in the nerd centre and finish off more of the Water Margin project.

I must be honest I am not a fan of cavalry but when I look over the past few years every project seems to have a fair number and the Sung Project is no different.

Another fine offering from the chaps at Curtney's Miniatures these will be a useful addition to the Water Margin Project as the games increase in scale I plan to switch from Songs of Blades to Dragon Rampant given the cross over between valiant Heroes and your standard foot troops.

The lighting was not great but these should be on a table near you real soon.

Next up the last of the bare metal for the Water Margin.... until the next show :-)


  1. Nice units Stu 😉.
    Regards Gav .

    1. Almost at the end of these now Gav then on to some Naps :-)

  2. Very nicely painted Cavalry Stuart- well done. French in Egypt? Hmm- I've been thinking about future projects as well- and certainly have given some thought to Egypt Napoleonic 1806...Strelets make a very nice range of Plastic 1/72nd for Egypt...decisions...decisions! Regards. KEV.

    1. Kev I do fear you will have completed your project well before I get mine off the ground :-)

  3. There are all rather splendid Stuart.

  4. Looks like good progress😀
