
Friday, July 15, 2016

The Water Margin - The Supply Column AAR#2

Back in April we kicked off the Water Margin campaign games and were introduced to Lin Ch'ung formerly of the Imperial Guard and now on route to Tsang Chou jail. Before being rescued by Shih Chin - Tattooed Dragon local land owner.

This week we are introduced to Lu Ta the Flower Priest.
La Ta has been liking peacefully in the foot hills when he hears that the Kao Chui has hired a private army to blockade the village of Fenshu who have failed to pay their tax levy due to a poor harvest.
La Ta leads a supply column of local villagers with food and supplies when they find their route blocked by Kao Chui's Korean Mercenaries who will do anything to stop them getting through. 

The column waits patiently considering it's options as the main route to Fenshu has been blocked by a number of hasty barricades.

The locals advance is met with a hail of arrows one of their number is felled causing some of the peasants to lose heart and flee the table. Meanwhile the full task of their mission is exposed this will be tough.

Lu Ta leads several of his forwards as the wagons look to take the long way round.

Meanwhile at the bridge Kao Chui's soldiers see the truth and side with the 9 dozen heroes and advance on the Korean mercenaries.

The Koreans caught on two sides become enraged and turn on the militia shooting a number of their former allies.

The Koreans man the barricades as La Ta avoids another storm of arrows and bursts through the woods on the Koreans left triking down one of the defenders. Victory is in sight.
However as is seen in many of these games, victory can be short lived as La Ta is struck by an arrow and knocked to the ground before being set upon by a number of the well armoured Koreans, the local villages are without their inspiration leader.. gulp..

As the fight at the barricade edges towards a Korean victory the supply wagon makes it's way through the woodland only to find their way blocked by more evil mercenaries.

Elsewhere the last of the militia strikes down a mercenary before being put to the sword.

The Koreans charge in and the villagers fall, there would be no supplies for Fenshu tonight.

La Ta has been left for dead on the battle field and over 20 villagers have been killed for the loss of only 2 mercenaries.

A great nights gaming and despite the very obvious difference in quality the villagers always felt they had a chance if they could only isolate the members of the private army unfortunately they were well organised and were able to make their blows count.


  1. What a great looking game Stuart.

  2. Good to see the Supply Wagons involved in the Scenario and Villagers too- a nice looking and spirited game- well done Stuart. Regards. KEV.

    1. Thanks Kev, following your lead and getting stuff on to the table quick smart.

  3. Great looking game with lots of action:)

  4. Interesting!

    I don't think I have ever seen anyone wargame The Water Margin.

    1. You might be right Captain I have never found anything on the web.
