
Thursday, October 06, 2016

TMWWBK's - ARR Boxer Rebellion Encounter.

The Wyverns rolled out "The Men Who Would be Kings" at the Club house a few weeks ago which gave me a great excuse to dust off the Boxers.

We added in the officer traits but to many of the rolls dished out poor quality officers on both sides. The plan was to get the toys on the table to run through the rules to ensure they gave a good evenings entertainment.
The scenario is your typical colonial adventure, the Europeans are holed up in the railway station waiting for Seymour to arrive and whisk them to safety, while the Boxers look to burn the place to the ground...

The defenders the US marine Corp and some civilian volunteers.

The Boxers as tribal units are cheap and out number the Europeans by at least 3:1, they sweep forward out flanking the US Marines and close in on the left flank of the small out post.

The tents are over run, cooking pots and belongings destroyed as the Boxers rush up the railway line looking to drive the foreign barbarians from their land.

However reinforcents are on their way in the shape of a Russian Sailor detachment, who pour long range fire into the Boxers, a number are killed but more importantly Boxer units were becoming pinned, poor leadership and poor dice rolls force some of the Boxers away from the cluster of buildings.

The Boxers close in again but are caught in a cross fire between the US marines and Russian Sailors and again unit after unit becomes pinned and falls back.

The Chinese start to torch the buildings looking to burn them to the ground but all the time they are slowly being reduced in number by the European rifle fire.

Boxer units start to break and fall back unable to destroy the buildings on the left of the encampment, despite contacting them on several occasions they were simply not numerous enough having seen their number be reduced by the Russians and Amercians.

Finally a minor success Chinese Artillery having done nothing all game gains a hit on the right hand building bring it crashing to the ground, but it is to little to late and the Boxers have be defeated as their losses were just to great to win the day.

A great encouter fought to a conclusion in under 2 hours... Despite the numbers of Boxers their poor officers and poor Leadership was their undoing against the regulars with their automatic fire order.
TMWWBK gave a really well balanced feel to the encounter and was quick and easy for everyone to pick up in 2-3 turns.
Next time more conventional forces....


  1. Sounds like you had a great first game and look forward to some more conventional forces having a bash.

    1. Thanks Steve they are certainly becoming the rules of choice at the moment.

  2. Stuart,
    I've always favoured the Boxer Rebellion - ever since seeing the Movie with Charlton Heston - '55 Days at Peking' - a real Classic! Cheers. KEV.

  3. Wonderful Stuart, I really fancy doing the Boxer rebellion with this at some point.

    1. Michael perfect for those multi-person club games.

  4. A good read Stu 😉.
    Regards Gav .

  5. Never had a game of the Boxers Rebellion, looks great!

  6. really enjoyed the game stu it was still up in the air at the start of turn 11 in a 12 turn game really close I see my French unit didn't get a mention for its slow sight seeing tour down the right flank

    1. I guess we ran out of time for the French :-)

  7. Nice figures and terrain. They make a good looking game and looks like the rules play okay.
    Thanks for posting!
    I just ordered a set of the rules from the Book Depository, Aust$16.55 with free shipping 😊...

    1. I am liking them so far Captain, plenty of character and faster moving for the slightly bigger games than Say Sharp Practice.

  8. Lovely looking game Stu. We are going to try those rules soon as well, then I can said something about them.

  9. Looks good. We have played an Indian Mutiny and 2 Zulu games with these rules and prefer them over anything else at this time. We would like to try Boxer Rebellion: we can obviously come up with stats ourselves but would be interested to know what you used and how you distinguished between performance of the different nationalities? That along with the range of troop types is what makes this conflict particularly interesting and useful for multiplayer...
