
Sunday, May 21, 2017

Back from Partizan....

Having missed many of the early 2017 show circuit, Partizan was the first real all day outing of the year.

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The Newark showground is fast becoming the regular home of gaming. The Partizan guys did a great job even organising a Hurricane fly past.... :-)
The new venue had plenty of room and great lighting which made for a great days gaming the show seemed really busy with plenty of old faces to catch up with, once again we manned the Kallistra Table (Thanks Paul.) seeking to improve on the British assault at Cambrai.

A tough affair with two lines of trenches to break through all before the close of the day, the Germans cannot really win this scenario, but the Brits can certainly lose it. They out number the Germans by 4:1 in Infantry and have 48 Tanks to the Germans 16 Field guns.

We made great head way in the morning breaching the lightly defended first line but my luck started to run out on the right flank with tank after tank falling foul of Artillery and Grenades coupled with my inability to roll lower than a 5 or a 6 which resulted in half my armour support bogging down and the crew bailing.

Meanwhile my co-commander Dave was having a far better time of it on the left, he only lost one tank to Artillery fire and almost all of his armour crossed the trenches unhindered. By lunch time he was well into the second line whilst I was left to push Infantry across rough ground..... 

All part of the plan... #HammerandAnvil....
A great days gaming and nice to play on such a large table in a great venue with some fine commanders on both sides.

The show seemed really busy with many of the traders 2-3 deep at times.
I stocked up the leadpile for the coming months - Thank goodness Reading is a number of months away..

Now the customary photo's of today's haul.
  • Copplestone's Amazon Indian's
    • Arquebus and War Club - A small project using my Spanish in South America.
  • Arab Workers
    • A useful sapper addition for the Egypt Project.
  • RJW Dismounted Cavalry.
    • A top up for the next all dayer in june.
  • Trent Miniatures and Wargames Foundry.
    • The next major project - Haiti - Napoleonic's Caribbean style. 
  • Paints
    • Because you can never have enough flesh tones.

Finally some eye candy from the Perry's fantastic Alexandria game - I will have to go some to increase my output to this scale. A wonderful looking game and plenty of inspiration for future units in Egypt....



  1. Stuart,
    Looks as though you had a great time of it- thanks for the photos. Certainly a good haul of items that you had bought for modelling- lots of tin!. Cheers. KEV.

    1. Just need to get some painting time in now Kev.

  2. Looks like a fabulous day was had by all.

    1. The perfect balance Michael of chat and gaming.

  3. Partizan looks like great show and I heard a lot positive opinions about it. I need to see it one day. Thanks for sharing.

    1. My first time it will definately be on my list for next year.
