
Monday, May 01, 2017

Paint Table Sunday.

I have done very little painting over recent months everytime I see light at the end of tunnel it always seems to be somebody witn at torch bringing more stuff to do, work, training - essay writing (its been 25 years since I last had to do this....), household tasks, but finally it feels like all these matters are under control and the paint table can come out from under the mountain of non-hobby tasks.

I thought I would ease myself back in with a couple of odds and end from the to do list for Sharp Practice. I do like a nice scenario and Sharp Practice is best played with a little more texture to its games rather than simply dropping figures on the table. So what better than a couple of Front Rank  "ladies" in need of rescue. Not your high class offering here but more camp followers - But my Ottomans care little as long as they are European....

The Ammunition cart is also from Front Rank, I considered adding a draft animal but figured it would get more use as a static piece.
The shock markers were from the odds and ends box, I have added two dice frames to keep the number of markers on the table low.

Meanwhile the French get some reinforcements for the stalled Dawn and Departures Campaign in the form of a light artillery piece and crew - Another great set of castings from Brigade Games.

Dressed in the Kleber uniform of the day they should give the French a little more of a punch and keep the Ottoman Cavalry at bay.

Artillery worker
French Artillery
Right back to the brushes before I get dragged off on some other non-hobby task.


  1. Nice work Stu 👍.
    Regards Gav .

  2. I feel your pain about 'life' getting in the way of painting time. Nice to see some progress though.

    1. Far to much serious stuff at the moment Steve.

  3. Nicely done, I love your little vignettes on the first two pictures...wonderful!

    1. Shock Markers are always useful to use up those odds and ends Phil.

  4. Nice to get some painting in - well done indeed. Cheers. KEV.

  5. Nice models Stu. Love them a lot!

  6. Thanks Bart glad you like them.
