
Saturday, November 11, 2017

Ghost Archipelago - 1st Outing.

Just a short post today showcasing the first outing for Ghost Archipelago last sunday evening.
One of the great things about these rules is I have pretty much all that is required to put a game on, swamps, plastic plants and fish tank ornaments.
Whilst I work on putting suitable crews together Chinese and Romans stepped in to go treasure hunting.

With 3 players on the board and the gaming area very small we were soon well into the action, the wandering monster element gave the game an extra dimension espically as we encountered one on every treasure pile.

We made a couple of mistakes, half speed when carry treasure for starters but all in all very slick and as time goes on I can see a better use of the magic which for many of us in this case with restricted to enhancing firing and lightening bolts...

In case you are wondering The Roman's bagged the main treasure.... but also lost the most men in the after game wash up...

More to follow.


  1. Replies
    1. Phil a great way to spend an evening :-)

  2. Great looking table Stu 👍.
    Regards Gav .

  3. great terrain - hope you can post some more game reports - with more photos, in the future.
