
Sunday, January 28, 2018

Ghost Archipelago Crewmen - Ready for Action.

With the Ghost Archipelago treasures completed recently, time to get some crewmen on the table, whilst the plan is to move the encounters on to the Black Powder era, these will come in handy for alternative factions adventuring across the islands. Besides I am trying to remain committed to clearing the painting queue in a certain order, so I don't keep adding to the 'box of shame' which seems to be growing year on year.

The box comes with 20 crewmen, my intention was to create two distinct crews, one with an eastern feel and the second more westernised. I wanted these to have a uniformed feel to them so majority of them have a flash of red on their outfit.

They go together quite nicely and their are plenty of alternative weapons to deck them out with, most of them are standing at the ready, but that might be my modelling ability.

With the weather still to cold and damp varnishing will have to wait and with that the static grass to finish them completely.

The rule tweaks should be finished this week so these could be entering service real soon.


  1. These look great. I do like the variety you can make out of this set.

  2. You made fast work of those. Great stuff

    1. Lots of block colours,dipping covers a multitude of sins...:-)

  3. Very nice figures Stu, love eras/genres where you can splash some vibrant colours around!

    1. They have turned out OK Captain, the next batch might be a little more uniformed.
