
Sunday, May 06, 2018

Ghost Archipelago - Heritor and Storm Warden..

A few hours to quickly push a few figures off the production line.

 These have been knocking around since the Nickstarter several months back. The Heritor will blend in well with the eastern crewmen, whilst I figured the Storm Warden would compliment the Pirate or Royal Navy faction.

Quite the warband now, with the weather finally turned I should be able to get the varnishing done and the final flocking, but these will come in very handy for competing factions.

The Storm Warden is a little on the small side compared to the Black Scorpion Miniature, I considered raising the base a touch but it should not be that much of a problem during game play.

With these complete I now have the perfect excuse to get the next game rolled out.


  1. Wonderful figures and scenery Stuart, well done!

  2. Great job on them both. I love the style and look of the Black Scorpion figures but they dwarf everything else I own.
