
Saturday, September 01, 2018

Dux Brittaniarum - Church Raid.

It's been quite a while since I last played Dux, perhaps as long ago as three years - wow. 
I really need to get more game time in, but when it was suggested last week I jumped at the chance.

The beauty of Dux Brittaniarum is that the forces are easy to assemble and you can play a game through to conclusion in just over a couple of hours and so it proved in this case.
Venturing into the SWF studio the scene is set for a bloody encounter.

The British defenders advance on to the table looking to defend their church from the Saxon invaders. Fortunately for my Saxon's they diced for the longest table edge away, which allowed me to get a couple of fast moves in.

The rampaging Saxon hordes rush forwards heading straight for the church for plunder and riches. Could they be stopped?

The Saxon Noble and Champion, looking to add to his collection of heads.

My plan was a simple one, rush the elite troops up the table throw them in the way of the whole British army whilst the rest of the raiders turnover the church and run away with the loot. 
Good job it was not a campaign.

Attacked to their front and flank the Saxons held off several waves of British Warriors, ok Levy buying time for the flanking force and church raiders to do their thing.

They were eventually forced back and their number some what depleted they were able to inflict significant shock on the British forces and killing a number of leaders to force a win, a great game with plenty of interesting moments along the way. I had forgotten how much fun these rules where

Back in the man cave hunted about for the box marked Dark Ages and dusted off my Irish force.
Now with British, Irish and Saxon thoughts turn to a proper campaign.

The warband of  Caiside Nuallan as he starts on his journey to become a mighty leader.

Lord Caiside Nuallun from the line of the Children of Danu - an old Royal line of the old land, a land of gods who walked among men he gets + 1 on his honour role.
Flanked by his Champion and two subordinate leaders. - Dathi Tighearnan and Berach Fiann.


  1. Never played the game but it certainly looks fun. I'll stick with 'Lion Rampant' as then I don't need to learn another ruleset! Lovely game as always.

    1. I know what you mean Steve, good job my opponent had taken on that task.
      How was last Sunday?

  2. These warbands are looking so fierce! Great looking game...

  3. Yes! The Dark Age campaign! Lovely!

  4. Very nice looking collection of Dark Ages troops engaged in an entertaining game - congratulations to the Saxons for an "away" win!

    1. I don't think they will be that lucking next time RR, but lets see :-)

  5. A fun looking game, I may give up Lion Rampant.

    1. It's worth giving them a try, if you like the Too Fat Lardies way of doing things.
